This 02/17/2021 Regional Planning Commission Meeting illustrates such actions made by these highly unethical attorneys in their pursuit to exclude all opposition standing in their way. Mrs. Mckinzie Hilton {NV State Bar # 14447} was sent by DA Michael Wheable {NV Sate Bar # 12518} to attend this meeting with their deliberate attempt to exclude the Regional Planning Commission (“RPC”) from the decision-making process regarding a pending business bargaining agreement with a company outside of Utah, regarding a hydro-pump storage project in White Pine County. Mrs. Mckinzie Hilton advised that the discussion item be tabled to a later date while offering up a vague highly suspicious explanation, which was that the county is lacking a “BLM signature”. The RPC was ultimately shunned out of the process entirely, just as one of the board members expressed his great concern about. Even with the legitimate questions and concerns that were raised, the discussion item was never brought forth again for discussion as it most certainly should have. Among the many questions that remain unaddressed, is the concern regarding this project and the potential Conflict of Interests between members of this County Commission and this private company rPlus Hydro, LLLP. Mrs. Mckinzie Hilton incorrectly states that this board is no more than an “advisory board” to justify the blatant exclusion. At 34:00 minutes into the video, Building Department Head Mrs. Jennifer Drew-Lesher respectfully corrects Attorney Mckinzie Hilton in her falsified statement to set the record straight: The Regional Planning Commission IS NOT an advisory board. This county has since lost some of our finest members from the RPC and this happens to be the very same commission that both Wheable and Beecher {NV State Bar # 12555} later improperly appoints a known highly disturbed individual to a vacant seat of that commission [violating Open Meeting Law NRS 241]. They initiated this political theatre as a tactical stepping stone move in their collaborated pursuit to ridding the commission that'd hold them accountable.
EXHIBIT 2.A reference Video Recording of the 02/17/2021 Regional Planning Commission
EXHIBIT 1.X 02/17/2021 Regional Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Video brought to you as a public service, courtesy of Ely’s Georgetown Media
WE MUST MAINTAIN SEPARATION OF POWERS and establish FULL TRANSPARENCY regarding such massive business decisions.
This particular discussion was had between the following time into the video: from 27:25 minutes into video (5:56pm) – 35:00 minutes into video (6:05pm).
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