Elizabeth Nancy (Cooper) Lopez “Betsy”
05/13/1987 - 01/19/2021
This was Betsy's most famous tagline for her memorabilia business. Let's finish what she started, by making Ely Nevada a Lovely & Safe place to live, as she once saw it.
Only by ensuring that Justice is served to all of those afflicted in what's become of this tyrannical government, will we ensure Ely is a Lovely place again.
For Future Generations to Come.
Check out this great video
One of the most tragic cases perpetrated by this White Pine County Nevada Sheriff Office was the unwarranted assault and arrest of this sweet woman for a false accusation of abusing her two beloved children by the prime suspect party of opposition in an active civil matter (divorce), perhaps one of the most cliché of maneuvers commonly seen in divorces, where one party seeks to gain an advantage over the other. The offending party often uses the children as pawns for many reasons, and at the most opportune time to go in for the kill. Aside from the more obvious (retaliation or possessiveness), oftentimes this tactic is used as a means to protect his monetary position by a perceived threat (potentially having to pay child support and/or spousal support). Any divorce attorney with decades of experience under his belt in the area of Family Practice can attest this common defamation tactic was largely perpetrated by the female party in times past (using the children to carry out these evil deeds). But there is no question that it's increasingly become a common theme among men as we enter this new era. Using a FAULTY SYSTEM to one's advantage by using the ignorance of those in important positions of power (oftentimes where one hand isn't privy to the other), is viewed as a mechanism to gain leverage. Sometimes so pre-meditated to the very last minute detail, that the falsehood is nearly undetectable to one that didn't know any better. What remains the greater mystery however, is why this sheriff office in particular seems to lack the ability to decipher between what could be a possible real life threatening situation that demands immediate intervention vs. instances where they are undoubtedly being played as the biggest Chess Piece Pawn in all. Here in White Pine County, this is a well-known problem seen repetitively. But the grandest mystery in all of this, is WHY has this department proven time and time again, a RADICAL BIAS against women in general (not just these matters but all areas to be addressed). More often than not, these deputies are recruited fresh out of high school with little to no experience in the real life world. But are granted such pre-eminent discretion in exercising this entrusted authority to agitate such a distrust within our family units and our children's faith in them. This is why every police department except this one it seems, understands the importance of limiting their involvement in civil matters, ESPECIALLY involving the most transparent cases where timely accusations begin to fly. Oftentimes these unqualified life-changing decision-makers (to our expected level of excellency anyway), that roam around for the sole purpose to find anything, will accept a mere hearsay statement to justify the excessive use of force and the most inhumane acts of humiliation of innocent members of the public. When we see a clear pattern of this continuously perpetrated against innocent civilians, one can only image the level of nimiety in force and brutality against those who may in fact be guilty of a crime.
To make a blanket statement asserting that ALL White Pine County deputies are bad would be an unfair assessment. But THE CULTURE OF BROTHERHOOD COMPLICITY is what has led us to the predicament we face today.
It's become ever more apparent that opportunities to agitate a given situation soas to increase quota numbers in their own self pursuit of vocational advances, seems of greater importance than a more appropriate response, say as, to defuse a given situation.
The citizenry at large, among those we'd never suspect to join this initiative for change, are finally beginning to see through the smoke & mirrors false pretense of Serve and Protect in White Pine County Nevada. Betsy was horrifically assaulted by THREE White Pine County deputies after they confiscated her eye glasses, leaving her unable to see. She was then thrown about and battered by the gang like she was some kind of rag doll to be played with for their own sake of amusement. THIS OFFICE is perhaps the most well-famed sheriff office in the entire State of Nevada for using the "resist arrest" scapegoat to justify these horrific gang-like acts of hostility and force, seemingly perpetrated against the most vulnerable and defenseless amongst us. But the Betsy Project in White Pine County puts all claims for qualified immunity from scrutiny to rest ONCE AND FOR ALL. Finally, the tides have turned with the increased unveiling as to what has become of this tyrannical establishment. The vindication for this LAWLESS misconduct on the basis of “resisting arrest” can no longer maintain its legitimacy, after having been caught red-handed, a gang of three fully-grown men bullies that cruelly beat down an innocent 33-year-old woman WHILE SHE WAS LEFT BLIND.
Because of Betsy's most sorrowful sacrifice, perhaps not of her own conscious choosing ...
All dignity completely stripped of her after having been assaulted by grown men bullies, her kids so unjustly ripped out from beneath her. As a mother that knows, THAT kind of pain that follows, is far more excruciating than an undignified physical assault by a White Pine County cop: the kind of pain inflicted on both the mother and her children that has an ever-lasting consequence of devastation. The head-turning and forced isolation as a result. Having risked her own safety by her unwavering courage to speak the truth. Then ultimately her very life,
the doors have swung wide open for the discussion about this sheriff office's existence. And would we be better off without it?
Just months after the barbaric incident occurred, Betsy was found dead off the side of the road in one of our more remote areas. She tragically died in a mysterious roll-over vehicle accident in an area where deer aren't known to roam. She was found THE VERY MORNING of her FIRST court hearing which she had eagerly prepared all week for, in hopes she might obtain some kind of financial assistance amidst the nightmarish experience she suddenly found herself in. The highly suspect tragic nature of Betsy's death remains unsettled to this day.
The question we must ask ourselves now is this: Does this administration really exist to harbor "Peace Officers"? Or could it be that this PUBLIC FUNDED institution has emerged into such an aggressive mob-like organization for the sole sake of intimidating and bullying targeted citizens of the community? Or at the very least, whom have proven a CONSISTENT TRACK RECORD of taking the Path of Least Resistance by targeting the weakest amongst us, those of us that actually would require the greatest level of protection,
all to serve a pecuniary enterprise above the well-being of this republic?
When we can't trust the very men hired to protect us, who can we trust?
Most residents would concur (or at least recognize the need for change) that the devastation caused by the innumerable unresolved cases of abuse and neglect of this White Pine County administration, far outweighs the benefit of any "peace" that could be realized by its existence. As many have come to realize, this is a well-rooted cultural problem that's begin to take root long prior to our most recent sheriff's Oath of Office. But as a result of the continued gross mismanagement and lack of accountability,
the Excessive use of Force, the bribery, blackmail, intimidation tactics, boldfaced abuses of power (especially toward our women and girls coming of age), the slew of sexual misconduct cases coming to light, indeed the racial profiling, the demoralization and slandering of citizens through the infamous biased WPC Sheriff Blotter (a means by which to rouse discord in a community), the lawless encroachment of innocent civilians in what should be considered their most safe and private spaces (their homes and private property), the police stalking and conspiring to entrap harmless civilians to criminalize; "systemize" them into dehumanized recurring bonds of monetary exchange, forever to remain in a state of exploitation. And we wonder why these kids revolt. These kids may in fact be the only ones fighting for our freedom.
The widespread fear of even leaving our homes anymore just to run basic errands, keeping us in a perpetual state of fear of being cited for the most trivial so-called traffic violations (often coined as a form of Legalized Harassment),
It has reached such a critical point, that We the People simply can no longer ignore the reality that White Pine County has in fact emerged into a full-fledged Police State at the brink of something much worse if we don't unite and take a stand. It is our solemn duty to speak out for the sake of our children and future generations of this county, many adolescents now whom don't have a fighting chance at a future. It's not solely due to the families of misfortune they're born in, as many would like the assert. These kids are the next prime targets to be exploited. We must take a stand now in honor of all the innocent lives lost due to the unending negligence by this office, that we have reached this critical point in time to unite for the common good, to restore the dignity and honor in our people.
We must rid this cancer that prevails us.
It is the only way forward.
Perhaps among all disgraces shown by this White Pine County Sheriff Office and the Ely Nevada Highway Patrol Division is the bare minimal effort in reporting found in the public media Accident Report . Betsy made such a staple in this community by her endless contributions, namely of the most important, the two beautiful children survived by her. Yet these departments have conspired to depict her as just a somebody with a name passing through. She wasn't even recognized for the protective loving mother that indeed everybody except these institutions KNOWS WELL. The deliberate omission of this in particular and the UNFINISHED BUSINESS with the horrific overreach this establishment was a participant in prior to her death, speaks volumes about the Complicitous Cover-Ups of Wrongdoings of this White Pine County Brotherhood of Dishonor.
Perhaps the beauty of small communities such as this, is that one CAN NEVER DENY ever knowing a person such as Betsy.
WPC Sheriff Office and Ely Nevada Highway Patrol Division!
On the bright side, the BEAUTY you seek will always be found amidst the ugliness of a society. Betsy is honored in all of her glory, for the beautiful fiery spirit she is. A star is named after her IN HER TRUEST HONOR.
Betsy's Star can be found on The International Star Registry, registry number 9017-55155-4320624.
Here you can read all about Betsy's accomplishments and the beautiful legacy she left behind. She was a monumental advocate for justice and change for the better. Little did she know then, as is often the case with any legend, the grandiose of all legacies she'd leave behind in White Pine County, would be the greatest staple for change she could ever make, only after her most tragic departure was carried out.
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